Our Vision
Changing the fabric of our inner city and the world beyond one family at a time

Our Mission
To empower individuals with the necessary skills to transform their own community

Keesha McMillian- Executive Director
Susan Mutter- Administrative Assistant/ Director of Resource Marketing
Pastor Hector Stallins- Hope House Director
- Hope House
- Hope Empowerment Sessions
- Summer Day Camp
- Women of a Silent Cry Food Outreach
- Hope Regional Distribution Outreach

Through our CHARITABLE SUPPLY CHAIN we distribute resources from our warehouse to those affected by poverty and disaster. We also provide logistical support and services for relief and recovery exercises. This is done through our direct service programs in our inner-city community and through partnerships with multiple churches and nonprofit organizations across our region, in rural poverty pockets, migrant camps, inner cities and Native American reservations across the Untied States. We reach into 27 of the poorest countries in the world.
- Food,
- Clothing,
- Hygiene Items,
- Household Goods,
- Furniture,
- School Supplies,
- Building Materials,
- Medical Supplies’
- Etc.

Sanctuary Of Hope
Pastor Denise Davidson- Operations Director
Kelly Williams- Assistant to Operations Director
- Coat Drive
- Clothing Drive
- Food Distribution & Hope Kitchen
The Poor You Will Have With You Always
Through our SANCTUARY OF HOPE we minister to the spiritual needs of those that we serve in our inner city neighborhood that are looking to Christianity for a faith solution. As a diverse community of Christ-Followers we welcome those suffering from the constant grind of poverty and hardship. We are a safe place where they can believe and belong. We are not simply a place where the poor are served, but a place where they can serve. We are a church for the poor, by the poor, with the poor and of the poor. We are a place where misfits fit.