Bless the Poor
Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.…”
Matthew 25:40
Your support means so much to families living in poverty and despair. Your donation will help struggling communities and provide parents the ability to feed their hungry children. We bring emergency relief to families devastated by disaster and distribute medical supplies and clean water to the poor. Your gift will have a significant impact in the lives of those who urgently need it.
Will you help us rescue those trapped by the grip of poverty with your generous donation today?
You can make a check or money order payable to HOPE CHARITABLE SERVICES and mail to:
P.O. Box 7816
Portsmouth, VA 23707-0816
For more information, please contact Pastor Denise Davidson at denise.davidson@hopecharitable.org or (757) 393-0664
We accept new and gently used clothes, coats, blankets, household goods, and furnishings. We also accept canned and dry food, medical equipment, cleaning supplies, building materials, and school supplies. Whether it is a box full or a tractor-trailer load, we can receive your donations and use them to help those affected by poverty and disaster.
For more information, please contact Pastor Frank Allen at frank.allen@hopecharitable.org or (757) 761-0974